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Thornton Wilder

Sämtliche Theaterstücke in chronologischer Reihenfolge:

* ''The Trumpet Shall Sound'' (1926)

* ''The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays'' (1928)
**"Nascuntur Poetae"
**"Proserpina and the Devil"
**"Fanny Otcott"
**"Brother Fire"
**"The Penny That Beauty Spent"
**"The Angel on the Ship"
**"The Message and Jehanne"
**"Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"
**"And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead"
**"The Servant's Name Was Malchus"
**"Mozart and the Gray Steward"
**"Hast Thou Considered My Servant Job?"
**"The Flight Into Egypt"
**"The Angel That Troubled the Waters"

* ''The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act'' (1931):
** ''The Long Christmas Dinner''
** ''Queens of France''
** ''Pullman Car Hiawatha''
** ''Love and How to Cure It''
** ''Such Things Only Happen in Books''
** ''The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden''
* ''Our Town'' (1938)—[[Pulitzer Prize for Drama]]
* ''The Merchant of Yonkers'' (1938)
* ''The Skin of Our Teeth'' (1942) Pulitzer Prize
* ''The Matchmaker'' (1954)—revised from ''The Merchant of Yonkers''
* ''The Alcestiad: Or, a Life in the Sun'' (1955)
* ''Childhood'' (1960)
* ''Infancy'' (1960)
* ''Plays for Bleecker Street'' (1962)

* ''The Collected Short Plays of Thornton Wilder Volume I'' (1997):
** ''The Long Christmas Dinner''
** ''Queens of France''
** ''Pullman Car Hiawatha''
** ''Love and How to Cure It''
** ''Such Things Only Happen in Books''
** ''The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden''
** ''The Drunken Sisters''
** ''Bernice''
** ''The Wreck on the Five-Twenty-Five''
** ''A Ringing of Doorbells''
** ''In Shakespeare and the Bible''
** ''Someone from Assisi''
** ''Cement Hands''
** ''Infancy''
** ''Childhood''
** ''Youth''
** ''The Rivers Under the Earth''
** ''Our Town''

BIOGRAFIE: Thornton Niven Wilder (* 17. April 1897 in MadisonWisconsin; † 7. Dezember 1975 in HamdenConnecticut) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Er gewann drei Pulitzer-Preise – für seinen Roman Die Brücke von San Luis Rey sowie die Theaterstücke Unsere kleine Stadt und Wir sind noch einmal davongekommen – und außerdem den National Book Award für den Roman "Der achte Schöpfungstag".
Track NamePEER GYNT - Radiohörspiel des Bayerischen Rundfunks 1969
00:00 / 01:04

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