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David Belasco

David Belasco, geb. 25.07.1853 In San Francisco, gest. 14. Mai 1931 was an American theatrical producer, impresario, director and playwright, who worte more than 100 very successful plays for the broadway.

Die Stücke in chronologischer Reihenfolge


''Hearts of Oak", by James A. Herne and David Belasco (-November 17, 1879--)


''La Belle Russe'' (1882), by David Belasco<!--8 May 1882--

''May Blossom'' (1884), by David Belasco<!--12 Apr 1884-->

*''Lord Chumley'' (1888), by [[Henry Churchill de Mille]] and David Belasco<!--21 Aug 1888-->

*''[[Men and Women (play)|Men and Women]]'' (1890), by [[Henry Churchill de Mille]] and David Belasco<!--October 21, 1890-->

*''The Girl I Left Behind Me'' (1893), by [[Franklin Fyles]] and David Belasco<!--25 Jan 1893-->

*''Pawn Ticket No. 210'' (1894), by [[Clay M. Greene]] and David Belasco<!--Oct 01, 1894-->

*''[[The Heart of Maryland (play)|The Heart of Maryland]]'' (1895), by David Belasco<!--October 22, 1895-->

*''Zaza'' (1898), by David Belasco (based on the play ''[[Zaza (play)|Zaza]]'' by [[Pierre Berton (playwright)|Pierre Berton]] and {{Interlanguage link multi|Charles Simon (playwright)|fr|3=Charles Simon (dramaturge)|lt=Charles Simon}})<!--December 1898, Lafayette Square Opera House in Washington, D.C.-->

*''[[Madame Butterfly (play)|Madame Butterfly]]'' (1900), by David Belasco (based on the short story ''[[Madame Butterfly (short story)|Madame Butterfly]]'' by [[John Luther Long]])<!--March 5, 1900-->

*''Du Barry'' (1901), by David Belasco<!--25 Dec 1901-->

*''Sweet Kitty Bellairs'' (1903), by David Belasco (based on the novel


''The Bath Comedy'' by [[Agnes Castle]] and [[Egerton Castle]])<!--9 Dec 1903-->

*''[[The Music Master]]'' (1904), by [[Charles Klein]]<!--September 26, 1904-->
*''[[The Girl of the Golden West (play)|The Girl of the Golden West]]'' (1905), by David Belasco<!--November 14, 1905-->


*''Rose of the Rancho'' (1906), by [[Richard Walton Tully]] and David Belasco<!--27 Nov 1906-->

*''The Warrens of Virginia'' (1907), by [[William C. deMille]]<!--Dec 03, 1907-->

*''The Fighting Hope'' (1908), by [[William J. Hurlbut]]<!--Sep 22, 1908-->

*''The Easiest Way'' (1909), by [[Eugene Walter (playwright)|Eugene Walter]]<!--Jan 19, 1909-->

*''The Lily'' (1909), by David Belasco (based on the play ''Le Lys'' by [[Pierre Wolff]] and [[Gaston Leroux]])<!--Dec 23, 1909-->

*''[[Just a Wife]]'' (1910), by [[Eugene Walter (playwright)|Eugene Walter]]<!--February 1, 1910-->

*''The Woman'' (1911), by [[William C. deMille]]<!--Sep 19, 1911-->

*''The Return of Peter Grimm'' (1911), by David Belasco<!--17 Oct 1911-->

*''[[The Governor's Lady]]'' (1912), by [[Alice Bradley]]<!--10 Sep 1912-->

*''The Case of Becky'' (1912), by [[Edward Locke]]<!--1 Oct 1912-->

*''A Good Little Devil'' (1913), by [[Austin Strong]] (based on the play ''Un bon petit diable'' by [[Rosemonde Gérard]] and [[Maurice Rostand]])<!--Jan 08, 1913-->
*''[[Seven Chances (play)|Seven Chances]]'' (1916), by [[Roi Cooper Megrue]]<!--8 August 1916-->


*''Tiger Rose'' (1917), by [[Willard Mack]]<!--3 Oct 1917-->

*''[[The Gold Diggers (1919 play)|The Gold Diggers]]'' (1919), by [[Avery Hopwood]]<!--September 30, 1919-->

*''The Son-Daughter'' (1919), by George Scarborough and David Belasco<!--19 Nov 1919-->

*''Kiki'' (1921), by David Belasco (based on the play ''Kiki'' by {{Interlanguage link multi|André Picard (playwright)|fr|3=André Picard (dramaturge)|lt=André Picard}})<!--29 Nov 1921-->

*''Shore Leave'' (1922), by [[Hubert Osborne]]<!--8 Aug 1922-->

*''Laugh, Clown, Laugh'' (1923), by [[Tom Cushing]] and David Belasco (based on the play ''Ridi, pagliaccio!'' by {{Interlanguage link multi|Fausto Maria Martini|it}})<!--28 Nov 1923-->

*''Ladies of the Evening'' (1924), by [[Milton Herbert Gropper]]<!--Dec 23, 1924-->

*''The Dove'' (1925), by [[Willard Mack]] (based on a story by [[Gerald Beaumont (writer)|Gerald Beaumont]])<!--Feb 11, 1925-->

*'' Lulu Belle'' (1926), by [[Charles MacArthur]] and [[Edward Sheldon]]<!--Feb 09, 1926-->

*''Tonight or Never'' (1930), by [[Fanny Hatton]] and [[Frederic Hatton]] (based on the play ''Ma este vagy soha'' by {{Interlanguage link multi|Lili Hatvany|hu|3=Hatvany Lili|lt=Lili Hatvany}})<!--18 Nov 1930-->


Als David Belasco und Henry C. Demille sich im Sommer 188 an die Arbeit für ein neues Stück machten, wussten Sie bereits, dass ein bestimmter Schauspieler im Mittelpunkt stehen würde, und der Erfolg des Stückes ruhig auf seiner Bühnenpräsenz aufbauen durfte. Der Schauspieler E.H. Sothern hat mit großem Erfolg Rollen von schrulligen Engländern gespielt und war darauf regelrecht abonniert. Im Juli 1888 war das Stück soweit fertig, dass die beiden Autoren an ihren Hauptdarsteller herantraten, der sich in inzwischen aber anders überlegt hatte, und die Rolle nun nicht mehr spielen wollte. 

Track NamePEER GYNT - Radiohörspiel des Bayerischen Rundfunks 1969
00:00 / 01:04

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