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DramatikerLarry Kirwan

Larry Kirwan (geb. in Wexford, Irland) ist ein in den USA lebender irischer Schriftsteller und Musiker, der vor allem als Leadsänger der in New York ansässigen irischen Rockband Black 47 und als Autor des Musicals "Paradise Square" bekannt wurde.
Alle Stücke in chronologischer Reihenfolge:



  • Liverpool Fantasy (2013)

  • Hard Times (2012)

  • Days of Rage

  • Mister Parnell

  • Blood

  • Night in the Garden

  • The heart has a mind of his own

  • Transport (mit dem australischen Autor Thomas Keneally)

  • Paradise Square (Musical, zusammen mit Craig Lucas, who did the first round of revisions, and Marcus Gardley, who wrote the latest version).



  • Buchausgabe der Stücke unter dem Titel "Mad Angels"



Thomas Keneally, best known for writing “Schindler’s List” but also the author of historical works about the founding of his native Australia, will turn to that subject in “Transport,” a new musical for which he’s written the book and lyrics.

The show, with music by Larry Kirwan, a playwright and the leader of the rock band Black 47, based in New York, will have its world premiere at the Irish Repertory Theater next year, theater officials announced on Tuesday.

“Transport” is based on the history of Irish women exiled to the South Coast of Australia in the mid-19th century. It centers on the voyage of a prison ship called The Whisper, which brought women and girls to penal colonies. The characters include four prisoners, the ship’s crew and an exiled Irish priest.

Track NamePEER GYNT - Radiohörspiel des Bayerischen Rundfunks 1969
00:00 / 01:04

An dieser Stelle würde ich eigentlich gerne das Hörspiel aus dem BR-Archiv einbinden. Ich frage einfach mal an, vielleicht geht das ja sogar?

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