Dr. Azadeh Sharifi
Wir finden es ermutigend, wenn einzelne Menschen und deren persönliche Geschichte die Welt prägen können. Solche Menschen stellen wir auf den Unterseiten zu dieser Seite vor.
Heute präsentieren wir Ihnen die theaterwissenschaftliche Autorin Azadeh Sharifi mit Ihrer Veröffentlichung "Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial / dekolonial".
Dr. Azadeh Sharifi hält heute (13.12.2023) einen Vortrag an der LMU in München zum Thema
"Institutioneller und struktureller Rassismus im Theater - Von Fallstricken, Post-Dramaturgien und der notwendigen Anerkennung marginalierten Wissens"
Wir besuchen die Veranstaltung und werden nach Möglichkeit auch hier über die Veranstaltung oder das Thema berichten.

Eine erste Möglichkeit zur Begegnung mit dem Thema in seinen vielfältigen Ausprägungen finden Sie auch bereits und zur Vorbereitung in der unten angefügten Dokumentation des Launchs des "The Palgrave Handbook of Theatre and Migration", where Dr. Azadeh Sharifi has taken part too.
Weitere Videos und Mitschnitte von Veranstaltungen mit Dr. Azadeh Sharifi hier:
In this virtual book launch Yana Meerzon and S. E. Wilmer, editors of "The Palgrave Handbook on Theatre and Migration" (Palgrave, 2023) and The Palgrave Studies in Performance and Migration book series, give presentations on the series and the handbook followed by presentations from some of the academics and scholars featured in The Handbook.
"The Palgrave Handbook on Theatre and Migration" provides a wide survey of theatre and performance practices related to the experience of global movements, both in historical and contemporary contexts. Given the largest number of people ever (over 100 million) suffering from forced displacement today, much of the book centres around the topic of refuge and exile and the role of theatre in addressing these issues.
The book is structured in six sections, the first of which is dedicated to the major theoretical concepts related to the field of theatre and migration including exile, refuge, displacement, asylum seeking, colonialism, human rights, globalization, and nomadism. The subsequent sections are devoted to several dozen case studies across various geographies and time periods that highlight, describe and analyse different theatre practices related to migration.
The volume serves as a prestigious reference work to help theatre practitioners, students, scholars, and educators navigate the complex field of theatre and migration. The book launch was held on Wednesday, 18 October 2023, as part of Forced Migration and The Arts.* As part of the event Yana Meerzon gave a presentation on The Handbook while S. E. Wilmer talked about the book series.
The editors were then followed the academics and scholars:
● Azadeh Sharifi (Independent Scholar): 'Postmigrant Theatre and Its Impact on Contemporary German Theatre'
● Daphne Lei (University of California, Irvine), 'Diasporic Trauma, Nativized Innovation, and TechnoIntercultural Predicament: The Story of Jingju in Taiwan'
● Astha Gandhi (Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi), 'Indian Circus: A Melting Pot of Migrant Artists, Performativity, and Race'
● Ambrose Musiyiwa [Co-author: Alison Jeffers] (University of Manchester): 'Theatre, Migration and Activism: The Work of Good Chance Theatre'
● Silvija Jestrovic (Warwick University), 'The Eternal Immigrant and the Aesthetics of Solidarity'
● Kasia Lech (University of Amsterdam): 'Sonless Mothers and Motherless Sons or How Has Polishness Haunted Polish Theatre Artists in Exile?'
● Miranda Fay Thomas (Trinity College Dublin): 'The Stranger’s Case: Exile in Shakespeare'
● Sarit Cofman-Simhon (Kibbutzim College): 'All Our Migrants: Place and Displacement on the Israeli Stage'
● Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei (University of California): 'The Things She Carried: The Vertical Migrations of Lady Rokujō in Japanese Theatre'
● Maria Berlova (Washington, DC): 'German Theatre and August von Kotzebue’s Theatrical Success and Pitfalls in Russia' ● Lisa Peschel (University of York): 'Theatre as Refrain: Representations of Departure from the Terezín/Theresienstadt Ghetto'
● Matthew Causey (Trinity College Dublin): 'Theatre’s Digital Migration', and
● Hala Khamis Nassar (Bethlehem University, Palestine): 'Chronicles of Refugees Foretold'.
[1] Yana Meerzon and S. E. Wilmer. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Theatre and Migration (Palgrave, 2023 https://link.springer.com/book/10.100....
[2] The Palgrave Studies in Performance and Migration https://www.springer.com/series/17066
[3] Forced Migration and The Arts is an online series of monthly conversations that aims to create a space where people with lived experience of forced migration, artists, academics and activists can meet for conversation, to share ideas and explore ways of collaborating with one another. [4] A playlist of videos from some of the conversations we have had so far, as part of Forced Migration and The Arts, is accessible here: https://tinyurl.com/ForcedMigrationAn...
Freie Szene der Vielen? Künstlerische Praxis und kulturpolitische Strategien. Moderiert von Dr. Azadeh Sharifi Einerseits bietet die Freie Szene in Abgrenzung zu den festen Häusern durchlässigere Strukturen. Andererseits wirken in ihr ebenso Exklusions- und Diskriminierungsmechanismen wie in den meisten Bereichen der Gesellschaft. Von welcher Position und mit welcher künstlerischen Praxis lässt sich an der Auflösung dieser Mechanismen arbeiten? Wie gestalten wir Stücke und Performances als Räume vieler möglichen Erfahrungen, Sprachen und Körper? Welche Strukturen müssen wir dafür umbauen, welche nachhaltigen Zugänge sichern und welche Nischen schützen?
Mit DR. AZADEH SHARIFI, Theaterwissenschaftlerin (München), OLIVIA HYUNSIN KIM, Performerin (Berlin), CHANA DISCHEREIT, wissenschaftliche Referentin (Mannheim) und TALA AL-DEEN, Schauspielerin (Mannheim)